Downloading WaNos

Here are a list of WaNo resources.


This WaNo will make a plot of the inquired data. It allows us to switch between Same-graph (plot several curves in the same figure) and Subplot modes (plot each curve in a different subplot ).


This WaNo generates table files in a csv and yml formats for a given set of variables inquired from a loaded file.


This WaNo creates a Float or integer list in a yml file with a customized range of data.


This WaNo prints a stop message.


This WaNo perform a DFT calculation using Qquatum Espresso code. Here the PW projectors are generated automatically after the specification of the chemical species.


This WaNo returns Morse potential in Ry as a function of the intermolecular distance between two Hydrogens atoms.


This WaNo performs a DFT calculation for a given nuclear configuration.

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