SimStack setup

Download the SimStack client

  1. The SimStack client (Linux and Windows) can be downloaded from the SimStack webpage

Install and Launch SimStack client

The SimStack client installs itself and all dependencies during the first launch. After extracting the downloaded archive just start this process:

  1. Linux
cd  simstack_linux
  1. Windows

Double click on run-simstack.bat

Connect to compute ressources (SimStack Server)

Passwordless SSH

For communicating with a compute backend, the SimStack client requires passwordless SSH access. If you do not have ssh access to the HPC resource already preconfigured, or are provided with an SSH key in the context of a tutorial, you need to generate a SSH keypair and transfer it to the Compute backend. This can be achieved with two simple commands:

  1. Linux
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
  1. Windows (

Simstack Server Configuration

Setup the server by opening the configuration menu: Configuration -> Servers simstack_configuration.png

If passwordless ssh is setup correctly, you should now be able to connect by clicking the Connect button at the top right of SimStack: simstack_gui.png

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